Vania Rosas

Vania Rosas portrait

LABEX Revive

Vania Rosas has international experience in academic R&D research and has been active in the field of EC and French project management for the last 6 years working on projects on stem cell research and regenerative medicine. She is the Project Officer of the LABEX Revive, a French initiative coordinated by the Institut Pasteur, and as a EuroStemCell partner is involved in Spanish and French translation activities - both website content and responding to patient enquiries.

The Revive consortium for stem cells in regenerative biology and medicine unites fundamental and applied stem cell researchers with selected partners from the biotechnology sector. It is structured around a dedicated research programme on stem cells, including fundamental research, disease modelling, regenerative medicine and ageing. Revive aims to federate a larger scale effort into a consortium for stem cell-based regenerative medicine and drug screening. Revive aims to foster technology transfer, training and address ethical issues in stem cell science.

More information on LABEX revive