David Sassoon

David Sassoon portrait

Petié Salpêtrière Medical School, INSERM

David Sassoon received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in the city of New York (USA) and performed his post-doctoral studies at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. He then returned to the USA where he was appointed Assistant Professor at Boston University Medical School and later at Mt Sinai Medical School (New York). Whilst in the USA, he began studying stem cell regulators with an emphasis on skeletal muscle, and also investigated the fetal basis of adult-onset disease.

In 2006, David became a Unit Director at the University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris University and INSERM) in Paris, France, where he created the Myology Group.  He is involved in two major EC-funded projects: he is a participant in OptiStem and a coordinator of EndoSTEM. His work is now primarily focused upon adult stem cells and the role that cell stress plays in stem cells, regeneration and aging.