Veronika Ganeva

Veronika Ganeva portrait

European Medicines Agency

Veronika Ganeva has a PhD in Stem Cell and Developmental Biology from the University of Edinburgh, UK and BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from International University Bremen, Germany. Her research has been focussed on early embryo development and embryonic stem cell differentiation and her main research interests include maintenance and loss of pluripotency, cell fate choices, differentiation and germ layer specification.

Veronika has volunteered for a number of projects with ESTOOLS, the University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Researcher Committee and the British Society for Cell Biology where she acted as a PhD student representative. She is passionate about encouraging and supporting a high standard of experimental science and using scientific knowledge for understanding and treating disease.

At the moment Veronika works at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in London, in the field of drug regulatory affairs, where she helps ensure that only high-quality, safe and efficacious medicines are brought to the European market.